Maybe you were talked into it by friends, or maybe you came to the realization on your own that speed dating is a fun and exciting way to find love. No matter what brought you here, once it’s time for your speed dating event, you want to do everything you can to make sure the night is a success. These five tips will help ensure you put your best foot forward during a 25Dates.com speed dating event:
Be Yourself
It seems obvious right? Sometimes, though, it’s just easier to play someone else, or maybe test out a few different personalities as you cycle between matches. But what if you end up sitting across the table from the perfect guy or gal? You don’t want to waste the opportunity on acting like someone else. Be yourself, and trust that you’ll find a connection with someone who likes you for you – it’s the only way to form a true, lasting connection.
Use the Time
At 25Dates.com speed dating events, you get a chance to enjoy 25 different 3-minute dates with eligible singles. Three minutes can feel like an eternity with a snooze of a date, or a snap of the finger when you have chemistry. No matter the situation, use the time wisely. So maybe you won’t get to have an in-depth conversation about the origin of the universe, but you can do better than awkwardly shifting and asking your date about their day. Get inspired by the time pressure!
The Power of Observation
Sure, you should be prepared and comfortable to ask questions to your match. Just don’t let yourself dominate the conversation. Listen to their answers and let the conversation flow smoothly from what they have to say instead of proceeding with a pre-determined script. You can also learn a lot by observing the way they speak, their body language, and whether they maintain eye contact.
Trust Your Instincts
Remember, you only have three minutes to form an initial connection. However, your instincts know in the blink of an eye whether this person is compatible with you, so trust your gut. If you get any bad vibes, just brush it off and look forward to the next date – 24 other singles are waiting for you. If you get a good feeling, embrace it. Hopefully, you find a mutual match and can explore the connection together.
Have Fun
Again, this point probably seems like a no-brainer. But it’s all too easy to occupy our brains with how we look, how we sound, trying to rehearse the next line, thinking back to the last date or the next one, trying to read the brain of the match across from us…we don’t leave much room for fun. Just remember to take a deep breath and enjoy the experience! It’s 25 mini dates, but it’s also just a fun night with great company.
Now you can head into your first speed dating event with enthusiasm. Armed with these five tips, are you ready to find love?