Single Match
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If you are single and looking to match with someone and you live in Toronto, Mississauga, Burlington, Oakville, Markham, Newmarket, Vancouver or Calgary you are in luck. With all the speed dating events that has going on, you are bound to meet your single match! Here is a run down of what you need to do in order to join one of our events. Register yourself for free. Look at all of our upcoming events and choose one that suits your demographic. We have events for all sorts of different age groups as well as for straight singles, gay singles and lesbian singles.Reserve your spot on-line or by giving us a call so we can do it for you. [google_ad] Then, on the night of your speed dating event, you arrive at the venue, along with all the other singles signed up for the party. You will be greeted by the friendly hosts or hostesses (they will be wearing a shirt) and you will be provided with a match card, a pen and a name tag which will display your first name and an ID number. There will be some hors d'oeuvres out while we sign in everyone. At that point, the speed dating begins! The women sit down at different tables, and the men sit down at a table with a woman. You talk to each other for three minutes (or five depending on the event). Then you will hear a bell. This means it is time for the men to get up and move to the next lady (obviously it works differently for our gay and lesbian events). But before the men sit down, you will both discreetly mark down on your card a "yes" or a "no" behind the persons ID number. You continue to do this until you have met every potential single match. Then everyone hands in their card and we find the people who said "yes" to each other. Within 2 or 3 days, will notify everyone of their match status, regardless of whether they had a match or not a single match. If you did not get a single match, don't despair! We will invite you back to the next event for free (there is one free event for each paid event for which there isn't a single match). We have had it happen many times where someone did not get a single match at one event, and many at the next, so don't get discouraged if you find this happens to you. So with all these great odds, what are you waiting for? Come give it a try!